New Details Regarding Man Of Steel’s Shoot In Illinois

New information has been given about Zack Snyder’s Superman movie Man Of Steel from a source that is working on film that details some key scenes that will be shot in Illinois soon. Warning: Spoilers!!!

A source involved filming, has discussed scenes being shot for Man of Steel. The source, whose name and role is being kept confidential, is involved with how various scenes are technically executed. With this information being revealed, part of the story line comes into clearer focus.

While filming has been going on this week at Sugar Grove and is moving back the Kent Farm and Sandwich, IL at Valley West Community Hospital, preparation is well underway some big action scenes being shot later this month. Valley West Community Hospital already issued an email alert concerning shooting at the hospital, saying windows would be blacked out, but no major explosions would be occurring. Those effects will be added in. The source confirms “that is being worked on tonight. Nothing will be big there because they can’t actually blow up the hospital. So they’re just going to be using some controlled and smaller pyro’s and then digitally altering it to make it look like a big explosion took place.”

In Plano, the 7-Eleven set that has been constructed is now being wired with explosives, says the source “wiring of explosives starts [Today] at the 7-Eleven and it will be blown up in shooting”. This occurs during scenes to be filmed in Plano when the military arrives in Smallville to take on Zod and Faora with Superman caught in the middle of the fight.

The source goes on to talk about the bank, which locals refer to as the “old bank”, which is also being wired. With Warner Bros releasing an official first look photo of Cavill in the new Superman suit last week, many were speculating about the authenticity of the bank vault as the background. “Oh, it’s real. The bank is real. It is being wired with explosives, too and will feature a massive military rumble involving Zod and Faora. The direction of that scene will be done from more of a distance because of explosives, just like the 7-Eleven.” The use of the bank also coincides with the fight scenes being shot in Plano in a massive military rumble. Does Superman appear… “yes” was the answer from the source. Last week, Richard Healy, the executive director of the Plano Area Chamber of Commerce said “stuff would be blown up” and talked about a huge military scene involving soldiers repelling from a helicopter and shell casings being left on the street. These new story details are directly in line with Healy’s statements.

The source continues by talking about a scene in which Superman learns of specific powers. “Superman learns of certain powers that he has where a glass starts shaking and then breaks. Snyder was very specific and provided a lot of detail about how this was to be done. It will all be controlled with pyrotechnics with certain holes drilled at certain depths and multiple blasts to make the total effect.”

The source said much secrecy surrounds the story and “we are only told about certain scenes, not all of them at this point.” Actors that will be present include: Cavill, Meloni, Shannon and Traue were names revealed.

This source has been 100% reliable in the past and I have no doubt that this information is accurate.


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