Man of Steel Set Photos Reveal Smallville

As preparation continues for Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, new images of the Illinois set have emerged on Facebook via fan photographers Mike Scola, Bill Schofield and Joe Sperandeo. Below is the first look at the Kent family farm house and surrounding locations, including buses labeled “Smallville School Dist.”

These images arrive on the heels of a previously photographed shots of small-town destruction and, just days ago, a detailed list of some of the locations the production will focus on.

Starring Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Michael Shannon, Antje Traue, Russell Crowe, Julia Ormond and Christopher Meloni , Man of Steel is currently targeted for release on June 14, 2013.

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Henry Cavill talks Man Of Steel

Total Film spoke to Henry Cavill about the his training for Zack Snyder’s Superman movie, Man of Steel.

“I’m on 5000 calories a day… You’ve got to eat protein first, then a little bit of carbs… you’ve gotta keep your hunger levels going. I’m training two and a half hours a day, pushing my body beyond its normal limits, putting on a lot of muscle mass and just making myself look like Superman,” he said about his training regimen.

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Harry Lennix Joins Superman: Man of Steel

Actor Harry Lennix is known for his role as Commander Lock in The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. He was also Boyd Langton in Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse. The super news is that the actor has now been cast in Zack Snyder’s Superman: Man of Steel.

The new Lennix character is described as a “high-ranking” military type by the name of General Swanwick according to the Variety exclusive. I wonder what Superman will be involved in that calls the attention of the military.

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Superman a Bachelor in DC Reboot

Breaking up is hard to do, even in a comic book. Still, Superman is a bachelor in an upcoming DC comics reboot all about our favorite high flying super hero.

You may have thought all the news that’s fit to print about a certain Kryptonian in a cape was regarding his film adventures. Certainly, anticipation is growing over Superman 3: Man of Steel, starring Henry Cavill and recently announced co-star, former Dollhouse actor Harry Lennix. But don’t forget where the magic all began. In print, my friends. In print.

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